14 January 2013

Striking a balance

One of the less attractive aspects of my new job: I am severely constrained in what I can post or otherwise write publicly.  (I am, however, happier than ever that I am not on Facebook -- there are a surprising number of stories of people in this job having issues b/c of things they posted on The Facebook...I mean, we all went through the crazy vetting process and were selected partly because of our ability to be discreet and, ya know, appropriate, but...)  I would say on average, there are no fewer than three moments per workweek where something happens and all I can think is, 'Oh, my gosh, I wish I could write about this!!' but I can't, for whatever reason(s).

I think my response to this rather uncomfortable leash has been to avoid my blog entirely, but I am going to work on getting that balance right, on writing about things that are interesting, but cannot be considered objectionable.  (I imagine that elicited quite a snort from some readers... heh.)

On a better note, I know where I am heading next: Tijuana, Mexico.  Yes, that *is* better than my current DC  assignment.  Well, for me it is, anyhow.  My desire to reconnect with my home country has been more than fully sated and I am ready to get back into other parts of the world.  And since I seem drawn to, er, 'interesting' places, I think TJ will be a nice fit.  Plus, it is right on the water and the security situation is currently good enough to allow us to explore the surrounding Mexican wine country, as well as the Baja California Peninsula (taquerias and tequila on the beach!).  San Diego is only 20 minutes away (when the border is cooperative), so we can also get to know California a bit better, Stephane should be able to find some decent job options, and we will always be able to shop at Trader Joe's!  Oh, and no winter!!  Fabulous.  Now I just have to learn Spanish...

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