22 November 2005

Being me.

Shit, man, I hate technology and I am super-resistant to trends therein, so WTF am I doing w/a blog, huh? Well, I also hate telling the same story 500 times to different ppl. and I am way-super-resistant to studying, so I figured this would assist me in resolving both of those situations. Okay, so it won't really save me fr. having to study eventually, but whatever. It is at the moment enabling me to avoid studying for the Physics test I have in nine hrs. for which I have studied not a jot. Sounds dumb, right? Well, yeah, I suppose it is, but I'm faced w/an odd predicament. We have four tests in this class and get to drop the lowest grade. I have a 92% test average already, so even if I decided to take a nap during the test and turned in nothg. but my drool stains, I would still have an A in the class. I had really planned to study for this test, though, b/c I wanted to have better than a 92 going into the final, but then I was like, 'Well. I really only want to get a B in this class, so do I *really* need to worry abt. this?' I mean, of course I would love to get an A, I would be fucking ecstatic w/an A, but I'm just not sure that I have enough of the overachiever left in me to put in the effort needed for that. I've got my Bachelors With Honors, I've got my Masters fr. the Best Programme in the World for that field, and now I'm kind of enjoying being Normal. Besides, even if I get an 85 in the class I'm still doing abt. 25 points better than most of the schlubs in there. Fucking Georgia Southern.
This attitude is not going to serve me well in med school.
And yet, I don't care.
Vicious cycle, ain't it?


Marion G. said...

Yes I can be the first to post a comment!!!!

But I don't have anything to say except physics sucks and I am glad I only took high school physics and watched: lame cartoons, videos with scenes from roller coasters, and candles flickering any mirrors.

Well good luck with that.


jules said...

"candles flickering any mirrors," huh? Methinks frang strikes again...

Marion G. said...

Why its poety my dear.

Physics poetry.

Thus it makes no sense.

Like poetry in general.

Marion G. said...

See poety.

Frang strikes again.

I should quit now.

Frisboy said...

Jules, you left out the part where I inspired you to start the blog. It's okay, I know how hard it is for you to admit you had help with anything. I hope that trend continues through the duration of your war crimes trial.

Also, poetry makes total sense (unless it was written by a high schooler or anyone after 1968). If you would like to understand it, I am always free to explain it to you in a patronizing manner.

jules said...

Daniel, I'm sure you're available to speak to me patronizingly abt. any number of subjects. Unfortunately, I won't be making it to MD this holiday season, so I am afraid I will have to forego that particular pleasure. Nuts.