20 March 2006

But it hurts so bad

Why I will not have children, Reason #230741: They are germ magnets. And I have the immune system of someone w/advanced leukemia. So when you put me w/in a 12-ft. radius of a sick kid for an extended period of time (e.g., overnight babysitting of my friend Tess's child, who was actively carrying Babyfunkitis this past Fri.), the inevitable end result is me contracting whatever the little rodent had when I came in contact w/him or her. In this case, the ague seems to be your garden variety severe cold -- intermittent fever, neck stiff like a curare victim's, head throbbing dully and apparently inflated to six times normal size, sore throat that makes each swallow an occasion for tears, aches and pains that I dare even a stint in the Iron Maiden to rival, and a general inability to maintain consciousness for more than one episode of Dallas.

Earlier today, Steve thought it would be funny to put me in a headlock. This naturally put a lot of pressure on my pathetically swollen, angry glands and my stiff, tetanic neck muscles. I nearly punched him in the face. Steve didn't think that was funny, but I sure did.

When I was at CofC or St. Andrews, I would normally drag myself to class unless my condition was truly dire (which it never was) b/c I could manage to walk the two or three blocks, sit through class, and then ooze my way back to bed. Illness probably impaired my ability to actually learn much, but venturing forth under such physically non-ideal conditions made feel better b/c I could go home and collapse knowing that I had tried hard. Thus, I was quite distressed to realize that this was no longer possible when my alarm went off at 7 this morning. I missed school today for the first time in three yrs. -- inc. my twice-wkly. Physiology lecture I *really* shouldn't miss -- b/c I was too weak to drive the hr. to school, make it through the eight-hr. day, and then drive the hr. back home. I feel like such a weenie.

But that brings to mind a funny sight I saw this w/e -- Best Streetsign Ever: Black Weiner St.

I shit you not.

I'll try to get pics next time I'm in SAV.

Back to my Sucrets and Chloraseptic. mmmm....menthol I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are germ ridden, I hope it doesn't last too long, love reading the blog. Will make proper contact soon.