26 October 2010

Not joking....

Was reading through some CVs today, trying to tie up some loose ends before my exciting last day on Friday, and I came across possibly the funniest thing I've yet encountered here. I reach the reference page and at the top in all capital letters I find:


I stared at this for about 10 seconds trying to figure out if this person had genuinely listed Jesus Christ Himself as their first reference (even gave Him a job title!) and I realized, yes, yes he did.

Do you think that's a personal or professional reference? Sadly, no contact information was provided.

Coming in a close second is another CV wherein the applicant felt it was pertinent to inform us that her previous job responsibilities included 'ordering sugar, every day.' Well, that's just swell.


Autumn said...

This is the best thing I've read today.

susan said...

If you think Jesus has tenure, I'll stick him on my CV as a dissertation reader. Miss you and hope you're not contaminated with the plague.