13 February 2006

School is the best.


I must have been crazy (more so than usual) when I thought this whole med school plan was feasible. I'm so tired of my classes I could cry (and occasionally do when I'm driving and no one is w/me and there isn't much traffic) and we're only a third of the way through the semester. Plus I'm sucking it like a Hoover these days (in a dismally non-sexual way), so that's not really helping. I walked into my Physics class today just as our prof was delivering a rant abt. how bad our first test grades were (I made a 42 -- seriously), which he rounded out with, "Nobody actually performed satisfactorily well," a comment as awkwardly formal in its phrasing as I felt sitting bolt upright in my seat, ankles crossed primly, determinedly studying a corner of the chalkboard just above Dr. A's eyeline. Oh, and naturally he did not curve the test since we get to drop our lowest grade and he has already determined that *this* will be everyone's drop grade, so there is no need for further assistance. I guess the fact that EVERYONE FAILED did not elicit as sympathetic a response as one would believe, or even the fleeting thought that perhaps the test was too fucking long/hard/generally crap and that he should re-evaluate the grades.


Get ready, everyone, b/c the moment I have been portending for yrs. (my abject failure) is now imminent, a claim likely to receive further substantiation either later this afternoon or on Wed. when I get my Physiology test back. It, like the Physics test, was poo, which I found more than usually disappointing, as I really enjoy this class, I put a lot of effort into it, and I seem to be doing less well than when I put no effort into it and spend my time thinking abt. how much I hate [insert boring subject matter here]. Like Organic. Fucking hate it. A lot. Studied nominally for the first test, just enough to make sure I knew enough to differentiate a methyl fr. a hole in the ground, and I got a 93. A 93. WTF? I should interject here that I do not actually expect my performance in Organic to continue in this manner, but a 93 ain't a bad start to a subject I fully anticipated getting through just by the seat of my pants (or trousers, for you naughty-minded Brits [ahem, Ben]). I've heard it said that familiarity breeds contempt, but I think it works the other way: when you hate smthg. enough you spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure out ways around it or to fuck w/it or to get one over on it, so that you end up unwittingly understanding it better than thgs. you enjoy and which therefore require less effort.

Quote of the Day:
"I'm trying to make this as exciting as I can, but I don't have much to work with." -- Dr. W, on the wonderful world of Organic Chem

On a cheerier note, Christy and Jennifer came down to Buttown on Sat. to help me celebrate my birt-day properly and succeeded marvelously! Eli and Steve chaperoned, and since the latter usually needs his own chaperone, I expected him to be rather less effective at defending our honour than Eli, but he was on reasonably good behavior for most of the evening. We had a yummy fatty dinner, went to a piano bar, got kicked off the stage at the piano bar (twice, I think), went to some club where the groping was more frequent than I would prefer, but I was tipsy and more than usually comfortable w/decisive swatting and laughing dismissively at offendors (most of whom appeared to be abt. 12 anyhow), so it was fine, and had a few drinks in between. AND, I got everyone to dance w/me at least once, even those who had previously adamantly refused to do so. Proof positive that alcohol and a reasonably attractive person can get ppl. to do just abt. anythg. On the whole, I think a good time was had by all. The next morning Eli continued his bid for Best Husband Ever by making everyone waffles and eggs -- awww! Unfortunately, some of the pics fr. that night contribute to a growing number of photographs I like to refer to as Good-Thg-I'm-Not-Planning-To-Run-For-Office-Anymore. I really need to ban cameras fr. all situations in which I could be intoxicated b/c even when I'm not being naughty, it sure as hell looks like I am. Plus I usually am being naughty, so, really, cameras are fr. this point forward not allowed.

Eli left this morning for two wks. in Alaska, which is sort of a bummer, though I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved to get out of spending two wks. indoors w/his family -- haha! But since I will have two wks. on my own, I am faced w/a dilemma: I'm really torn b/t either surprising him when he gets home by having our room all clean and neat (which you should all know is quite difficult for me) or getting back at him for his incessant nagging and anality by completely decimating it while he's away. Truly, an epic battle b/t good and evil, no? heh heh heh....

1 comment:

Marion G. said...

Dude I downloaded Elena Paparizou's "My number one" from the internet. Yes! I am going to burn you a CD with just that song and maybe a few random instrumental greek songs and you can relive our Greek roadtrip cuz thats all they played on the radio! =)