29 June 2006

Lighter News

This isn't totally bizarre, given the Japanese people's reputation as Ameriphiles when it comes to thgs. related to fashion, celebrities, and music, but it made me chuckle nonetheless:


I esp. enjoyed his personally selected collection of Elvis hits that sold millions of copies over there. Judging by the pictures, it seems that Mr. Koizumi is channeling a bit of Elvis via his v. un-politician-like hair. Now if he would only flop it over w/a side part and use a bit of pomade...

1 comment:

Marion G. said...

I finish the Black Tulip book. I have to say Henrietta is no where near as annoying as Amy but I wish the author would give us some more closer w/ Eloise and Colin. But no. I have to read another crappy book whenever that comes out.
Oh and I finally sent off my internship application for the Smithsonian a couple weeks ago! Hooray! Next stop GRE! =/