21 December 2005

Please note...

...two new improvements, er, changes to the blog:

1) I finally corrected the paragraph spacing problem, which will, in theory, assist in making the blog more reader-friendly. Or that is the hope anyhow.

2) There is now a guestbook just below the link to my wholly uninformative and useless profile. Give it some love and sign in.

That is all.


Marion G. said...

I found out who is living in Angus House Flat 2 Room 3 (Abdul's room in case u are wondering) while searching for your blog using the search term Angus House. I left him a comment since he made some slightly disparaging remarks about our lovely House. http://marshallscholarshipweblog.blogspot.com/2005/10/welcome-to-angus-house.html Check it out. I am at work. It is boring. ----OUT

jules said...

OF COURSE he had disparaging thgs. to say abt. our humble former abode -- he's a Marshall Scholar! Not only is he a Marshall Scholar, he included that information in the address for his blog! This tool box is probably still waiting for Dick Cheney to show up to be his personal valet. Twelve dollars says he's in my programme. :-/

Marion G. said...

Hhehehe!!! He probably is a d-bag. You should leave a comment too. Why 12 dollars? I also want u to know I left a comment on Daniel's blog under his rant about the Origen of the Species aka Oranges and Peaches.

Marion G. said...

P.S. Hes not unattractice but is still in all likelihood a d-bag for getting such a prestigious scholarship and going to St. Andrews =P

Marion G. said...

oops unattractive

Marion G. said...

Also with regard to the lack of comments on your blog, I think maybe you should publicize its existence. Like email everyone (inc. the Angus House Krew) about it. And encourage comments. Or write something really incendiary like Eamonn is really gay for not knitting. Sorry I am really bored here and this is the sort of thing I am thinking about.

Marion G. said...

I updated my blog. Have a looksee.

Frisboy said...

The cat is way out of the bag on you thinking my blog is funny. And about that, thank you for laughing at my pain.

jules said...

Thank you, macaronigee, for your suggestion regarding publicizing my blog. Unfortunately, I have already done this and the problem is not that I lack for readers, but rather, they seem to lack the ability to share their opinion abt. what they read, unless it is through emails or IMs. Apparently the comment concept is just beyond some special ppl. (Aw, but I love you anyhow!) Also, Daniel, for the record, the only thg. your blog inspired me to do was laugh really hard and steal your guestbook, but since mine is prettier than yours, that bit of theft hardly counts. Don't worry -- you're still prettier than me generally. But I claimed residency in Djibouti first (and as you pointed out, I *am* scarier), so don't think your charm and good looks are going to get you to the seat of power before me.

Frisboy said...

You know what's scary? I didn't even notice you picked Djibouti as your country of origin. I just looked down the list and tried to find the funniest one. Weird. Although not really, because hey, "Djibouti!"

jules said...

And that, Daniel, is why, after all these yrs., you're my third husband.

Marion G. said...

Who's number 4? Thanks for the encouraging remarks. I found some old pictures of myself way back in 6th grade. I think I can trace my hoodie obsession back that far. I blame it on West Coast culture and the oh so comfortable feeling you get while wearing them.

Andrew is kicking me off his computer now. But let me say this...look at all these comments! You are sooooo popular. That was said in my best Valley girl accent which has been honed from years living just over a few hills in the OC biotch =P.

Marion G. said...

What?!!! You can't put a link to my blog as "Tell Marion as Often as Possible that Her Blog is Amusing (b/c it is)". If that isnt an invitation for sympathy entries, I don't know what is! I am sure Daniel will endeavor to make me cry once he sees that. =P
But seriously...may I suggest:
Check out this boring site about unemployed historians and the couches that loved their fat asses (in a similar vein to that alternate title you gave to that Romantics book)

Frisboy said...

I've never made someone I didn't like cry. Of course, this means there are some people I had to retroactively like after I made them cry. The law is funny that way.